Agency Timeline

FY 2023-24 Budget Closeout/Carryforward and Capital Deadlines

Date Closeout/Capital Action
June 3 Capital ​Requests to close capital budget codes due to OSBM. 
Review all capital improvement budget codes and close all completed projects. Please refer to the Capital Budget Code Closure Job Aid.
June 3 Capital Capital allotment requests for June due to OSBM​
June 6 Capital Complete last General Fund Supported Debt Requisition 
(Certificates of Participation/COPS, Two Thirds Bonds, General Obligation Bonds/ConnectNC).
June 7 Closeout/Carryforward Deadline to encumber items included in carryforward requests. Review the Carryforward Job Aids, which explains procedures for Encumbrance Carryforward requests. Agencies should only include items encumbered by this date on their carryforward request. 
June 14 Closeout/Carryforward Preliminary carryforward request estimates due to OSBM only from:
Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Public Instruction, and University of North Carolina System using the OSBM Carryforward Template
June 15 Capital After June 15, OSBM will not allow budget revisions and allotments to Capital unless specifically authorized.
June 21 Capital Certification of Capital Improvement reports due to OSBM 
June 28 Closeout/Carryforward Final carryforward requests for all agencies and universities due to OSBM. 
Submit carryforward requests using the updated OSBM Carryforward Template along with any required supporting documentation. 
Mid-July Closeout/Carryforward OSBM approves carryforward and notifies agencies and universities.
OSBM will review requests to carryforward funds from FY 2023-24 to FY 2024-25 in compliance with G.S. 143C and other general statutes. 
July 26 Closeout Office of State Controller Cash Closing Deadline.
This is the final date when cash can move between budget codes. 


FY 2024-25 Budget Development Key Dates/Deadlines

Dates Action
January 10 IT Request Survey training at agency Chief Information Officers meeting
January 11 Change Budget Instructions Training, 10 - 11:30 a.m. on MS Teams
January 16 Capital Budget Instructions Training for agencies, 10-11:00 a.m. on MS Teams
January 23 Evidence Training, 1-2:30 p.m. in-person
January 25 Evidence Training, 2-3:30 p.m. in-person
January 31 Evidence Training, 10-11:30 a.m. in-person and virtual
February 2 Agency Budget Change (ABC) Lists for operating items and IT Request Surveys due
February 9 ABC Lists for Capital and Repairs and Renovations items due
March 1 Final Worksheets IIs, Worksheet II-EZs, Worksheet IIIs, OC-25s, and Special Provision outline forms due
March 27 Final Special Provision language due