Monthly Connect Series

Monthly connect screen shot

Next Monthly Connect: NC Office of Strategic Partnerships: Reflecting Back and Looking Forward, Thursday, December 5, 9:00-10:15am. 

The Office of Strategic Partnerships Monthly Connect is a series of virtual and in-person (pre-COVID-19) panel discussions on topics relevant to partnerships among state government, research institutions including colleges/universities, philanthropy, and others. The Monthly Connect series is open to anyone interested in attending. 

Below are links to recordings (linked in session titles), presentations, and other resources related to these interactive sessions. 

Sign up to receive NC Office of Strategic Partnerships Highlights (e-news and resources) and Monthly Connect session invites. Click here for past Highlights and scroll down for all Monthly Connect recordings. 

Past Monthly Connects

Tab/Accordion Items

The Critical Role and Impact of Cross-Sector Collaboration in Times of Emergency

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, which caused widespread damage and disruption across western North Carolina, cross-sector partnerships have proved essential for mobilizing resources and coordinating response and recovery efforts. Government agencies, philanthropies, research institutions such as colleges and universities, and nonprofits are working together to address communities’ immediate needs and to plan for longer term relief and recovery efforts. In this Monthly Connect, speakers representing each sector mentioned above will share about the partnerships they are leading and facilitating and their roles in responding to Hurricane Helene’s devastation. Panelists will discuss a range of types of cross-sector partnerships, how they emerge and what it takes to sustain them, lessons learned, and strategies for people and organizations that want to get involved in this or future emergency response efforts. There will be time for Q&A.

  • JJ Brown, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Appalachian State University
  • Brandy Bynum Dawson, Senior Program Director, MDC
  • Briles Johnson, Executive Director, NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service, Office of the Governor
  • Kristy Kulberg, President, NC Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster
  • Jenni Owen (moderator), Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Jennifer Tolle Whiteside, President and CEO, NC Community Foundation

Click here for relevant resources. 

Partnering for Impact: How Government, Research, and Philanthropy Collaborate to Make a Difference

The NC Office of Strategic Partnerships, with support and engagement from many partners, has developed and facilitated more than 50 government-research and government-philanthropy partnerships since 2019. Each of these partnerships has a focus on using evidence to inform decision making. The array of cross-sector collaborations is diverse in many ways, however, including but not limited to scope, issue area, type/structure of engagement, and partners involved. In this Monthly Connect session, OSP and partners from government, research, and philanthropy highlighted multiple partnerships and their impact; shared successes and lessons learned; and offered tips for those interested in initiating cross-sector partnerships. The featured partnerships ranged from short- to long-term, from in progress to completed, and from specific to broader research needs. 

  • Alyse Bertenthal, Associate Professor of Law, Wake Forest University
  • Eliza Edwards (moderator), Deputy Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Mike Hejduk, Engineering Supervisor III, NC Office of State Fire Marshal
  • Amber Payne, Project Director, Invest Early NC
  • Bill Toole, Deputy, NC Department of the Secretary of State

Click here for relevant resources. 

North Carolina State Budget: Process, Status, and What's Next

The North Carolina General Assembly adjourned their 2024 session on June 28th without passing a budget. North Carolinians may wonder where the budget process stands and what impact the lack of a new budget may have. In this Monthly Connect, budget experts from the NC Community College System, NC Department of Public Safety, NC General Assembly, and NC Office of State Budget and Management gave an overview of the state budget process, explained who is involved, highlighted why the budget matters for all North Carolinians, and answered the question “What’s next?”. They also shared tips for how to learn more, including how to read and learn from budget documents.    

  • Dr. Sharon Marsalis, Budget Director, NC Department of Public Safety 
  • Brian Matteson, Director of Fiscal Research, Fiscal Research Division, NC General Assembly
  • Jenni Owen (moderator), Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Dr. Phillip Price, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, NC Community College System
  • Kristin Walker, State Budget Director, NC Office of State Budget and Management

Click here for relevant resources. 

Opportunities for State Government and Philanthropy to Collaborate on Complex Challenges

Numerous state government agencies lead efforts to address complex issues that present daily challenges for many North Carolinians. Many philanthropic organizations are similarly focused on these issues in their work to enhance quality of life and well-being in the communities they support. In this Monthly Connect, representatives of state government and philanthropy shared the work their organizations are leading to tackle statewide challenges related to complex issues, including child care and early education opportunities, affordable housing, rural communities’ access to public and private grants, and workforce development. They shared examples of cross-sector partnerships that have leveraged each partner’s resources to maximize impact and discussed potential future opportunities for the two sectors to collaborate.

Click here for relevant resources.

What, Why, and How: Q&A with the NC Office of Strategic Partnerships

The NC Office of Strategic Partnerships (OSP) develops, launches, and enhances partnerships between state government and North Carolina’s research and philanthropic sectors. These efforts help to create and deepen connections between state government and external research experts and to increase government’s internal capacity to generate and use evidence to improve policy and program functions.

This Monthly Connect focused on the what, why, and how of the government-research and government-philanthropy model for cross-sector partnerships that OSP created and implemented with the input and support of many partners across sectors. Speakers included representatives of the OSP staff and advisory group (from state government, higher education, and philanthropy). Speakers described examples of partnerships underway to enhance the use of evidence in government decision making; highlighted ongoing efforts to build, strengthen, and institutionalize relationships between state government and the philanthropic sector in North Carolina; and shared opportunities for getting involved in this work. 

Click here for relevant resources.

Interagency Partnerships to Address Complex Challenges

In this Monthly Connect, speakers from five state agencies highlighted existing interagency partnerships focused on violence prevention and reentry. Panelists described how these partnerships came to be; underscored the importance of using data, evidence, and research to inform this work; highlighted opportunities for collaboration among government, research, and philanthropy to address these issues; and shared promising practices and lessons learned thus far. 

  • Eric W. Haddock Sr., State Re-entry Coordinator, Division of Workforce Solutions, NC Department of Commerce 
  • Jenni Owen (moderator), Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships 
  • George Pettigrew, Deputy Secretary, Division of Rehabilitation and Reentry, NC Department of Adult Correction 
  • Ebony J. Pittman, Deputy Secretary, Business Administration, NC Department of Transportation
  • Dr. Betsey Tilson, State Health Director and Chief Medical Officer, NC Department of Health and Human Services
  • Caroline Valand, Deputy Secretary for Partnership Engagement, NC Department of Public Safety

Click here for relevant resources.

Partnership Perspectives from Government, Research, and Philanthropy: Reflections and Opportunities

This Monthly Connect featured Learning Forum speakers and others who are involved with partnerships between and among government, research, and philanthropy. They shared the purpose of their partnerships; discussed aspects of partnership development, launch, and execution; and talked about how the Learning Forum and other convenings and opportunities catalyze partnerships that benefit North Carolinians, North Carolina, and beyond. 

  • Sara Coplai, Partnerships Officer, WNC Bridge Foundation
  • Eliza Edwards, Deputy Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Samantha Mosier, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, East Carolina University
  • Jenni Owen, Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Maria Pitre-Martin, Executive Director, SERVE Center, UNC Greensboro
  • McKinley Wooten, Assistant Secretary for Tax Processing, Research & Equity, NC Department of Revenue

Click here for relevant resources.

Opportunities from Colleges and Universities for Students to Assist State Agencies

Speakers representing more than 15 programs from five colleges and universities shared about their opportunities for students to assist state agencies. Information about those opportunities and dozens more is in this Directory of Opportunities for Students to Assist State Agencies, which OSP compiled as a resource for partners in state government and at colleges and universities who may be interested in collaborating. If you know of other programs that should be part of the directory, please send the information to

Click here for relevant resources.

Members of the North Carolina Cabinet and Council of State Reflect Back and Look Forward

In this Monthly Connect, members of the North Carolina Cabinet and Council of State shared highlights of their departments’ work and impact from 2023, examples of their partnerships within and external to state government, why the work of their departments matters for North Carolinians, and insight into opportunities that might be ripe for partnership in 2024 and beyond.  

  • Mike Daniska, Chief of Staff, NC Department of Adult Correction (representing the Honorable Todd Ishee, Secretary, NC Department of Adult Correction)
  • The Honorable Josh Dobson, Commissioner, NC Department of Labor
  • The Honorable Ronald Penny, Secretary, NC Department of Revenue  

Click here for relevant resources.

Increasing the Use of Evidence in State Government: Perspectives from Government, Research, and Philanthropy

In this Monthly Connect, OSP’s Evidence Advisor and partners from government, research, and philanthropy highlighted cross-sector projects underway; shared insights from these projects and other efforts to increase and improve the use of evidence for state agency decision making; and shared practical tips for how to generate and use evidence more and better. 

  • Tim Griffith (moderator), Evidence Advisor, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships 
  • Erin Huggins, Associate Director, Program Evaluation and Educational Research, NC State University 
  • Shrutika Sabarwal, Director, Evidence-Based Policy, Arnold Ventures  
  • Bill Schneider, Vice President, System Effectiveness, NC Community College System Office  

Click here for relevant resources.

Where are the Workers? The Challenge of Filling Government Positions and What to Do About It

In this Monthly Connect, speakers described workforce challenges facing state and local government in North Carolina, discussed what research says about possible solutions, and shared actionable approaches to solving these challenges.  

  • Andrew Berger-Gross, Senior Economist, Labor and Economic Analysis Division, NC Department of Commerce 
  • Stephanie Freeman, Deputy Secretary for Workforce Management, NC Department of Adult Correction 
  • Mark Little, Executive Director, NCGrowth 
  • Jenni Owen (moderator), Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships  
  • Michael White, Executive Director of Human Resources and Operations, Bertie County Schools; Commissioner, Bertie County   

Click here for relevant resources.

North Carolina State Budget: Who, What, Where, When, Why

North Carolina operates on a biennial budget cycle, which means the state’s budget covers two fiscal years. In this Monthly Connect, budget experts from the NC Administrative Office of the Courts, NC Department of Health and Human Services, and NC Office of State Budget and Management gave an overview of the state budgeting process, who is involved, where to find the budget, and how to read and understand it. They also highlighted why the budget matters for all North Carolinians. 

  • Darryl Childers, Assistant State Budget Officer, NC Office of State Budget and Management
  • Marjorie Donaldson, Chief Financial Officer, NC Department of Health and Human Services
  • Jenni Owen (moderator), Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Danielle Ward, Chief Fiscal Officer, NC Administrative Office of the Courts

Click here for relevant resources. 

State Government and Philanthropy Partnerships: Learning from three impactful collaborations

Working together, state government and philanthropy can leverage their expertise and resources (e.g., relationships and capital) to maximize impact for the people and communities they serve. In this Monthly Connect, speakers representing state government-philanthropy partnerships described each partnership and how it relates to their shared interests; discussed components of the partnerships, including what each partner brings to the collaboration and how they address challenges; and highlighted evidence of successful partnership. 

  • Stacey Carless, Executive Director, NC Counts Coalition
  • Hazel Edmond, Rural Economic Development Association, NC Department of Commerce
  • Debra Farrington, Deputy Secretary/Chief Health Equity Officer, NC Department of Health and Human Services
  • Kimberly Kandros, Manager of Development and Special Projects, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
  • Candice Kane, Program Officer, The Cannon Charitable Interests
  • Juli Kim (moderator) Philanthropy Liaison, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Ted Lord, Senior Vice President/General Counsel, Golden LEAF Foundation

Click here for relevant resources. 

The Roles and Contributions of State Government Task Forces, Advisory Groups, and Similar Entities

Serving on a state government task force, advisory group, or similar entity is one way that North Carolinians can get involved in public service and help inform state government decision making. These groups are created in a range of ways and focus on a diverse array of issues. In this Monthly Connect, speakers with experience across a wide range of such groups shared information about the work these groups do, the value of participating, and examples of their impact. Speakers also shared tips for getting involved. 

  • Secretary Pamela B. Cashwell (moderator), Secretary, NC Department of Administration
  • Leslie Locklear, Director of Educator Engagement and Student Success, UNC Pembroke
  • Scott Proescholdbell, Epidemiologist and Unit Manager, Injury Epidemiology, Surveillance and Informatics Unit, Division of Public Health, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, NC Department of Health and Human Services; member, Safe Kids NC Steering Committee
  • Michele Querry, Southeast Regional Director, Chambers of Innovation and Clean Energy; member, NC Taskforce for Offshore Wind Economic Resource Strategies (NC TOWERS)

Click here for relevant resources. 

The North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources: From (A)rts Council to (Z)oo

Speakers provided an overview of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR), including many of its divisions, councils, sites, and museums. They shared current and future priorities; described examples of DNCR partnerships within and external to state government; noted the importance of research to the Department’s work; and highlighted opportunities for North Carolinians to get involved.

  • Jeff Bell, Director, NC Arts Council, DNCR  
  • Quinn Godwin, Associate Director, NC American Indian Heritage Commission, DNCR  
  • Michelle Lanier, Director, Division of State Historic Sites and Properties, DNCR
  • Jenni Owen (moderator), Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Brian Strong, Acting Director, Division of Parks and Recreation, DNCR
  • Ansley Herring Wegner, Research Supervisor, Historical Research Office, Office of Archives and History, DNCR
  • Reid Wilson, Secretary, DNCR

Click here for relevant resources. 

Federal Funds for NC: Sources, Uses, and Opportunities for Collaboration

The session focused on three streams of federal funding that are bringing billions of dollars to North Carolina: the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the Creating Helpful Incentives to Produce Semiconductors (CHIPS) and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). Speakers provided an overview of the funding streams; gave examples of uses for the funds; shared tips for learning about and pursuing funding; and discussed how government, research, and philanthropy can collaborate to take advantage of these and related opportunities. 

  • Joe Edney, Director, Corporate Strategy, RTI International 
  • Steven Hulsey, Manager, Programs Management, Division of Planning and Programming, NC Department of Transportation  
  • Jonathan Meyer, Federal Funds Budget Analyst, NC Office of State Budget and Management  
  • Jenni Owen (moderator), Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships

Click here for relevant resources. 

Catalyzing Student Involvement in State Government

Speakers discussed their connection to student involvement in government, highlighted efforts underway to bolster the university-government pipeline, shared strategies for developing and sharing meaningful engagement opportunities, and offered tips for how students and professionals already inside government can connect for mutually beneficial information sharing.  

  • Andrea Bennett, Talent Acquisition Consultant, NC Office of State Human Resources  
  • Adrienne Craig, Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, UNC Greensboro  
  • Eliza Edwards (moderator), Deputy Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships  
  • Meah Harris, HR Technician, NC Department of Adult Correction  
  • Tameka Judd, Diversity Recruitment and Internship Coordinator, NC Department of Public Safety   
  • Candace Settle, Youth Programs Coordinator, Council for Women & Youth Involvement, NC Department of Administration  
  • Aniyah Taylor, Student, UNC Pembroke; former micro-intern, NC Department of Administration  

Click here for relevant resources. 

All Things NC Office of Strategic Partnerships

Speakers described their engagement with OSP; shared how the North Carolina Project Portal and researcher interest meetings add value to the partnerships process; offered guidance for how state agencies, researchers, and philanthropy can develop and launch partnerships; gave specific examples of government-research and government-philanthropy partnerships underway; described OSP efforts to build government’s internal capacity to assess evidence base, and highlighted opportunities for students. 

  • Kaitlin Anderson, Evidence Advisor, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Scott Barlowe, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Computer Science, College of Arts and Sciences, Western Carolina University
  • Angela Bednarek (moderator), Project Director, Evidence Project, The Pew Charitable Trusts
  • Emily Gangi, Policy Director, Division of Broadband and Digital Equity, NC Department of Information Technology
  • Alicia James, Program Manager, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Branden Jones, Captain of Support Services, Law Enforcement Division, NC Wildlife Resources Commission
  • Jasmine McGhee, Special Deputy Attorney General and Director, Public Protection Section, NC Department of Justice
  • Jenni Owen, Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Meka Sales, Director of Special Initiatives, The Duke Endowment
  • Joy Vermillion Heinsohn, Philanthropy Liaison, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Jeff Warren, Executive Director, NC Collaboratory
  • Delaney Welsh, former Graduate Intern, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships; master’s student, UNC Charlotte 

Click here for relevant resources. 

North Carolina Cabinet and Council of State Leaders - Reflecting Back and Looking Forward

Speakers discussed departmental priorities for the coming year, agency partnerships within and external to state government, equity and inclusion efforts, and highlighted statewide initiatives that their teams are leading. 

  • The Honorable Machelle Baker Sanders, Secretary, NC Department of Commerce   
  • The Honorable Catherine Truitt, Superintendent, NC Department of Public Instruction   
  • The Honorable Jim Weaver, Secretary, NC Department of Information Technology

Click here for relevant resources. 

North Carolina Evaluation Fund Projects

Speakers described the projects, expected project learnings and outcomes, and how the projects will help to increase the use of evidence in government policy and program decisions. 

  • Advanced Teaching Roles (Thomas Tomberlin, NC Department of Public Instruction; Callie Edwards, NC State University)  
  • Certified Career Pathways (Tracie Ford, NC Department of Commerce; Michelle Bartlett, NC State University)   
  • Early Childhood Longitudinal Data (Jeni Corn, NC Department of Public Instruction; Hayley Young, NC Department of Health and Human Services; Brooks Bowden, University of Pennsylvania)  
  • Integrated Behavioral Health Services for First Responders (Chad Jordan, NC Department of Public Safety; Meret Hofer, RTI International)  
  • NC Integrated Care for Kids (Kathryn Horneffer, NC Department of Health and Human Services; Paul Lanier, UNC-Chapel Hill)  
  • RESTART: Domestic Violence Intervention Programs (Danielle Carman, NC Department of Administration; Deborah Weissman, UNC-Chapel Hill)   
  • Teen Courts (Brittany Schott, NC Department of Public Safety; James Cockerham, Montreat College)   
  • WIC Enrollment (Madhu Vulimiri, NC Department of Health and Human Services; Greeshma James, Duke University)   

Click here for relevant resources. 

North Carolina County Profile Data: Promises and Pitfalls for Collaboration

Speakers provided overviews of the county data profiles from Carolina Across 100 and the NC Association of County Commissioners; highlighted specific examples of how these profiles are helping decision makers, community organizations, and others on-the-ground; shared cautions about county profile data; and discussed opportunities to use these county profiles (and data profiles from other sources) for cross-sector collaboration and decision making. 

  • Anita Brown-Graham (moderator), Director, ncIMPACT Initiative and Professor, UNC School of Government
  • Denise Canada, Fiscal and Policy Research Director, North Carolina Association of County Commissioners
  • Mike Cline, State Demographer, State of North Carolina 
  • Jessica Dorrance, Research Director, ncIMPACT Initiative, UNC School of Government  
  • Eliza Edwards, Deputy Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Alisha Friday, Executive Director, Lincoln County United Way
  • Rebecca McCall, Commissioner, Henderson County

Click here for relevant resources. 

The Role of Intergovernmental Affairs in Increasing and Improving Cross-Sector Collaboration

Speakers discussed the importance of intergovernmental collaboration and how it occurs at various levels of government; shared strategies for engaging with their organizations and for improving intra- and cross-sector partnerships; and highlighted specific examples of successful collaboration between government and non-governmental partners. 

  • Ariel Aponte, Associate Vice Chancellor for Military and Federal Relations, Student Affairs, Elizabeth City State University 
  • Alicia Davis, Director of Governmental Affairs and Policy, NC Department of the Secretary of State 
  • Jim McCleskey (moderator), Director, North Carolina Washington Office, Office of the Governor 
  • Beau Mills, Director of Urban Affairs, NC League of Municipalities; Executive Director, NC Metropolitan Mayors Coalition 
  • Kevin Monroe, Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Office of the Governor 

Click here for relevant resources. 

Increasing and Enhancing Data Access, Sharing, and Use for Research Collaboration

Speakers provided examples of data available from North Carolina state agencies; discussed why the data are important to universities, colleges, and other organizations; shared strategies for effective cross-sector communication about and collaboration around data access, requests, sharing, and use; and highlighted specific examples of successful data sharing within and between government and research partners.  

  • Nitya Ganapathy, Analytics Director, Government Data Analytics Center, NC Department of Information Technology 
  • Andrew P. Kelly, Senior Vice President for Strategy and Policy, University of North Carolina System
  • Nicole Lucas, Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Effectiveness, Research, and Planning, Fayetteville State University
  • Betty McGrath, Director of Employment Statistics and Analysis, Labor and Economic Analysis Division, NC Department of Commerce 
  • Jessie Tenenbaum, Chief Data Officer, NC Department of Health and Human Services 

Click here for relevant resources. 

North Carolina's FY 2022-23 Budget: What's New and What Are the Impacts?

Charlie Perusse, State Budget Director, NC Office of State Budget and Management, shared context for North Carolina’s economy today, highlighted a range of investments in the FY 2022-23 budget, provided insight into what this funding means for the State and North Carolinians, and answered the question, “What’s Next?”. 

  • Charlie Perusse, State Budget Director, NC Office of State Budget and Management

Click here for the slide deck. Click here for relevant resources. 

Communicating Research and Policy: Learning from Experts at Government and University Organizations

Speakers shared specific strategies for government and research organizations to improve their communication within and across sectors; described how to identify opportunities for information sharing; and highlighted why government-research collaboration and communication is important for evidence-informed decision making.

  • Karl Bates, Director of Research Communications, Duke University 
  • Matthew Chamberlin, Associate Dean for Communications and Marketing, Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC Chapel Hill 
  • Beth Gargan, Deputy Communications Director, NC Department of Information Technology 
  • Marie Spear, Government Relations Manager, RTI International
  • Noelle Talley (moderator), Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Governor Cooper

Click here for relevant resources from the session and click here for a summary of this Monthly Connect.

State Agency Strategic Plans and Their Relevance Across Sectors

Speakers described the components and the development process of their agencies’ strategic plans. They emphasized why strategic planning for state agencies is important and the value of engaging people from a variety of roles, teams, divisions, etc. in plan development and implementation. Explore State Agency Strategic Plans

  • Cara Bridges, Senior Policy and Planning Analyst, Office of Policy and Strategic Planning, NC Department of Public Safety 
  • Jennifer Haigwood, Director of Communications and Policy Development, NC Department of Labor
  • Ehren Meister, Director of Performance Metrics, Office of Strategic Initiatives and Program Support, NC Department of Transportation
  • Sarah Porper, Director of Business Strategy, NC Department of Information Technology

NC Evaluation Fund Grants: Anca Grozav from the Office of State Budget and Management announced the new NC Evaluation Fund, which will provide grants to state agencies to support research projects that inform policy and program decisions. Applicants have access to technical assistance to develop their application and find a research partner. North Carolina state government agencies can apply. Higher education institutions are not eligible to apply directly, but they can be—and are encouraged to be—research partners with an agency applicant. For examples of some types of projects that could be a good fit for this opportunity, see OSBM expects to award 5-10 grants over the next six months, totaling up to $1 million. If you have questions about the process or application, email

Engaging Students in Government: From Part-Time Intern to Full-Time Career

Speakers described their government internships, the ways these experiences shaped their career aspirations, and their educational and professional paths to where they are today. Participants and speakers shared numerous tips for students, hiring managers, college/university career services, and others to encourage and enhance student engagement in government. 

  • Catherine Chen, Doctoral Associate, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships, and 2022 PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 
  • Kiya Edwards, Digital Equity Manager, NC Office of Digital Equity and Literacy, NC Department of Information Technology 
  • Bailey Recktenwald, Chief Strategy Officer, NC Department of Environmental Quality

Click here for relevant resources from the session. 

The North Carolina Project Portal: A Tool for Developing and Launching Partnerships with Government

Speakers shared specific examples from the North Carolina project portal. They also demonstrated how government, research, philanthropy, and other partners can use the project portal to share partnership opportunities and bolster cross-sector collaboration.

  • Eliza Edwards, Policy Analyst, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships 
  • John Hardin, Executive Director, NC Office of Science, Technology & Innovation, NC Department of Commerce 
  • Charlotte Hudson, Director, Lenfest Ocean Program, The Pew Charitable Trusts  
  • Tonya Smith-Jackson, Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, NC A&T State University 
  • McKinley Wooten, Assistant Secretary for Research and Equity, NC Department of Revenue 
  • David Yokum, Senior Advisor, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships and Director, The Policy Lab at Brown University

Links to items discussed during the session (Descriptions are paraphrased and come directly from corresponding links as of February 24, 2022.) 

  • North Carolina Project Portal: The NC Office of Strategic Partnerships created the NC Project Portal to share opportunities for partnering with state agencies on their research needs and for people to express interest in pursuing those opportunities. We invite you to explore the Portal and welcome feedback.
  • Lenfest Ocean Program: The Lenfest Ocean Program (LOP) funds research projects that address the needs of marine and coastal stakeholders and supports grantees who will engage with the people most likely to use the results. Click here for the LOP grant-making criteria, which helps outline how to create a co-designed project. 

Using Randomized Controlled Trials in North Carolina to Build Evidence for Effective Policy and Practice

Speakers shared specific examples of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) they have been involved with in North Carolina and the impact these trials have had on policy. The panelists also touched on how RCTs can fit into continuous improvement in government, discussed the ethics of conducting RCTs, and gave practical advice for getting started as a researcher or government agency.  

  • Julie Edmunds, Program Director, SERVE Center, University of North Carolina at Greensboro  
  • Bryan K. Ryan, Senior Vice President, Effectiveness and Innovation, Wake Technical Community College   
  • Nicole Sullivan, Deputy Secretary, Analysis, Programming, and Policy, NC Department of Public Safety   
  • Jeff Grimes (moderator), Evidence Advisor, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships

Links to items discussed during the session (Descriptions are paraphrased and come directly from corresponding links as of January 27, 2022.) 

  • Project COMPASS (Constructing an Online Model to Promote At-Risk Student Success): Wake Tech’s First in the World project leveraging technology and outreach to improve academic outcomes. This site describes the project goal and objectives, the protocols used, results, and the project team. 
  • What Happens When You Combine High School and College?: This policy brief from the SERVE Center discusses the impact of early colleges on postsecondary performance and completion.
  • Brookings blog post on early colleges: This post discusses how early colleges can make us rethink the separation of high school and postsecondary systems. 

Click here for a summary of this Monthly Connect.

North Carolina's Budget: The Process and What's Inside

Speakers gave an overview of the state budget process, shared high level takeaways (including the unprecedented amount of money in the FY2021-23 budget), and outlined what it means for North Carolinians. They also highlighted the state budget document as a resource for anyone interested in learning more about the state’s policy and research priorities. 

  • Charlie Perusse, State Budget Director, NC Office of State Budget and Management
  • Jennifer Haygood, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer, UNC System

Click here for a list of relevant resources shared by participants and speakers in the virtual "chat."

Building Equity into Partnerships from the Start

Speakers discussed the meaning of equity, why it matters, what it requires, and highlighted how challenging but critical “doing the work” is. They also shared strategies for building equity into research and partnerships from the beginning and ongoing; candid advice for people and organizations that want to do it more and better but don’t know where to start; and personal and professional insight from their experience.

  • Victor Armstrong, Chief Health Equity Officer, NC Department of Health and Human Services
  • Dr. Iheoma Iruka, Founding Director, Equity Research Action Coalition, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute and Research Professor of Public Policy, UNC Chapel Hill 
  • Dr. Julia Mendez Smith, Professor of Psychology and Special Consultant on Equity, Inclusion and Belonging Initiatives for the Division of Student Affairs, UNC Greensboro 
  • Dr. Vivian Tseng, Senior Vice President, Programs, William T. Grant Foundation 

Click here for a list of relevant resources shared by participants and speakers in the virtual "chat" and click here for a summary of this Monthly Connect.

The Evidence Act and Agency Learning Agendas: What They Are, Why They Matter, and How to get Involved

Speakers shared context for the federal Evidence Act and progress on implementation, including the development (underway) of agency learning agendas at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. They highlighted various ways that researchers, philanthropy, representatives from state and local government, and others can get involved in the process; described challenges and opportunities; and shared resources relevant to using research and evidence to inform government decision making. 

  • Katherine Dawes, EPA Evaluation Officer (Acting), Office of the Chief Financial Officer, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
  • Diana Epstein, Evidence Team Lead, U.S. Office of Management and Budget
  • Jennifer Turnham, Director, Policy Development Division, Office of Policy Development and Research, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development 

Click here for a list of relevant resources shared by speakers and participants. 

The Many Roles of Philanthropy in Government-Philanthropy Partnerships

Speakers shared specific examples of government-philanthropy partnerships, insight into building successful partnerships and overcoming barriers, and the value of research in partnerships. They described various roles that philanthropy plays in partnerships, including convening, thought-partnering, funding, information-sharing, and technical assistance. In addition, OSP shared initial results from its recent survey of philanthropy and speakers offered their reactions to the data.

  • Curtis Holloman, Executive Director, The Foundation for a Healthy High Point
  • Jasmine McGhee, Special Deputy Attorney General and Director of Public Protection Section, NC Department of Justice
  • Tara Scholtz, Senior Program Officer, Community Foundation of Western North Carolina

Click for the slide deck and headlines from OSP's survey of philanthropy

NC Office of Strategic Partnerships Information and Resources

Speakers shared an overview of OSP, how state agencies can receive assistance with identifying and pursuing research priorities, insight into conducting outreach to find external expertise for partnership opportunities, the importance of using evidence to inform decision making, and tips for building collaborative networks of government and non-governmental partners. Also highlighted were examples of existing partnerships and efforts underway to enhance how partnership opportunities are presented and shared.

  • Eliza Edwards, Policy Analyst, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • Jenni Owen, Director, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships
  • David Yokum, Director, The Policy Lab at Brown University; Senior Advisor, NC Office of Strategic Partnerships

Maximizing University-Government Talent Partnerships

Speakers shared examples of existing university-government talent partnerships and work underway to diversify NC’s government workforce, highlighted the value of these efforts for students, jobseekers, and employers, discussed strategies for increasing their impact and reach, and provided tips for others who may want to make progress in this area.

  • Nina Barrett, Policy and Research Fellow, office of the Chief Operating Officer, NC Department of Transportation
  • Tracey Burns, Deputy Secretary of Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Inclusion, NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources
  • Winston J. Holloway, On-the-Job Training Program Fellow, Office of Civil Rights, NC Department of Transportation
  • Susan McCracken, Director of Career Development and Economic Engagement, Appalachian State University
  • Dylan Russell, Executive Director of Lead for North Carolina, UNC School of Government

Click here for a list of relevant resources shared by speakers and participants. 

Understanding the American Rescue Plan

Speakers provided insights and information on the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds coming to North Carolina; an overview of Governor Cooper’s ARPA Investment Recommendations and anticipated next steps; and considerations for local governments. They also answered questions from the nearly 200 participants representing state and local government, colleges and universities, and non-profit organizations including state and national philanthropies.

  • Charlie Perusse, State Budget Director, NC Office of State Budget and Management 
  • Kevin Leonard, Executive Director, NC Association of County Commissioners

Click here for Perusse's slide deck.
Click here for Leonard's slide deck.
Click here for a list of ARP resources shared by speakers and participants. 

North Carolina Boards and Commissions: What they are and how to get involved

Panelists gave an overview of the different types and roles of boards and commissions; their impact and what serving on one entails; the application/recommendation and appointment process; and more. Click here for more information on NC Boards and Commissions.

*FACOG after a physician’s name indicates that he/she has met additional criteria to qualify as a Fellow of The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.


Government-Research Partnerships and COVID-19

Panelists representing government and research partners gave an overview of the featured partnerships; highlighted the role of data, evidence, and research in these efforts; shared strategies for approaching potential partners from other sectors; launching and sustaining partnerships; how students can be involved; adapting to challenges (e.g., COVID-19); and more. For more information about the three highlighted partnerships, see Finish Line Grants program, Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) program, and NC Wastewater Pathogen Research Network

  • Dr. Evan Ashkin, Founder, Formerly Incarcerated Transition (FIT) program; professor, UNC School of Medicine
  • Rick Bolich, Chief, Groundwater Resources Section, Division of Water Resources, NC Department of Environmental Quality
  • Jessica Englert, Assistant Secretary, Division of Workforce Solutions, NC Department of Commerce 
  • Dr. Audrey “A.J.” Jaeger, Executive Director, Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research, NC State University
  • Dr. Mariya Munir, Co-PI, NC Wastewater Pathogen Research Network; Assistant Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UNC Charlotte
  • Lateisha Thrash, Assistant Director, Reentry, Programs, and Services, NC Department of Public Safety

NC Government Data Analytics Center

Featured the NC Government Data Analytics Center (GDAC), which leverages and integrates the state's data assets to solve problems, manage resources, and improve financial programs, budgets, and results. Panelists highlighted specific data efforts underway related to health care, longitudinal and performance, and enterprise entity resolution. Click here for the slide deck. 

  • Christie Burris, Executive Director, NC Health Information Exchange Authority
  • Carol Burroughs, Analytics Director, GDAC Assistant Director, NC Dept. of Information Technology (DIT)
  • John Correllus, Director, GDAC; Deputy State CIO and Chief Data Officer, NC DIT
  • Jackie Keener, Analytics Assistant Director, NC DIT

Research Partnerships Underway and Emerging

Featured state government and research partners who highlighted completed, ongoing, and emerging partnership projects. Panelists also shared tips for successfully launching and sustaining momentum and gave advice to counterparts who may be interested in cross-sector partnerships but don't know how to get started. They also discussed the value of research partnerships for testing new ideas and the important role behavioral science can play in these collaborations. 

  • Brandon Bell, Associate Director of Digital Communications, NC Department of Revenue
  • Nancy Hodges, Eastern Area Consultant, Community Programs – Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils, NC Department of Public Safety 
  • Diana Lys, Assistant Dean for Educator Preparation and Accreditation, School of Education, UNC Chapel Hill
  • Joey Sherlock, Senior Behavioral Researcher, Center for Advanced Hindsight, Duke University

NC Nonprofit Organizations and the Impact of COVID-19

Featured the statewide survey of North Carolina nonprofit organizations and the impacts of COVID-19 launched by the NC Office of Strategic Partnerships and the NC Center for Nonprofits. Panelists discussed the value of the survey, key learnings, and how philanthropy, government, researchers, and nonprofits themselves can use the results for a range of different purposes. Click here for an analysis of the 2,000+ responses, including a link to the publicly available dataset. 

  • Steve Hayes, Executive Director, Guilford Nonprofit Consortium
  • Earline Smith, Housing Program Manager, Cleveland County Community Development Corporation
  • Nancy Taylor, Executive Director, Community Foundation of Burke County
  • David Yokum, Director, The Policy Lab at Brown University; Senior Advisor, Strategic Partnerships

Hometown Strong: Partnerships in Action for Rural NC

This Monthly Connect featured Hometown Strong leadership and local partners (from Halifax and Madison Counties.) Speakers discussed existing Hometown Strong efforts and emerging opportunities. Launched in 2018, Hometown Strong leverages state and local resources, identifies ongoing projects and community needs, and implements plans to boost the economy, improve infrastructure, and strengthen North Carolina's hometowns.  Click here for the slide deck.

  • Tony Brown, County Manager, Halifax County
  • Kenny Flowers, Assistant Secretary for Rural Economic Development, NC Commerce
  • Mary Penny Kelley, Executive Director, Hometown Strong
  • Jonathan Szucs, General Manager, Advanced Superabrasives (Madison County)

COVID-19 Response: Government-University-Student Partnerships

This Monthly Connect featured NC COVID-19 Student Response Corps participants: an Appalachian State University student intern, the Elizabeth City State University career services director, the Beaufort County Economic Development Director, and the Director of Lead for NC, a key partner in the initiative. (Password: Dxj6GkPt)

  • Yolanda Carcana, Interim Director of Career Services, Elizabeth City State University
  • Martyn Johnson, Economic Development Director, Beaufort County
  • Dylan Russell, Executive Director, Lead for NC, UNC School of Government
  • Sierra Watson, Intern, Town of North Wilkesboro; MPA candidate, Appalachian State University

Established Government-Research Partnerships

This Monthly Connect featured representatives from the Gillings School of Global Public Health at UNC-Chapel Hill, NC Department of Environmental Quality, and NC Department of Health and Human Services. Speakers discussed different types of government-research partnerships, strategies for initiating and sustaining successful partnerships, and the importance of partnerships during and beyond COVID-19. 

  • Stacey Feken, Policy and Engagement Manager, Albemarle-Pamlico National Estuarine Partnership, NC Department of Environmental Quality
  • Mark Holmes, Director, Sheps Center for Health Services Research, Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC-Chapel Hill
  • Alexia Kelley, Sr. Director of Research, Research, Innovation and Global Solutions, Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC-Chapel Hill
  • Leah Devlin, Professor of the Practice, Health Policy and Management, Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC-Chapel Hill
  • Jessie Tenenbaum, Chief Data Officer, NC Department of Health and Human Services
  • Doug Urland, Director, NC Institute for Public Health, Gillings School of Global Public Health, UNC-Chapel Hill

Strengthening the State Government Talent Pipeline

This Monthly Connect featured state government HR recruiters and college/university-based career services experts. Speakers discussed strategies and resources for addressing the related challenges of 1) state government striving to attract needed talent for employment opportunities across the state and 2) talented graduates of NC colleges and universities striving to find and pursue state government employment opportunities.

  • Kelsey Celender, Temporary Solutions Recruitment Manager, NC Office of State Human Resources
  • Nicole Hall, Director, Career and Professional Development, UNC-Greensboro
  • Lynn Kavcsak, Dean, Career and Employment Resources, Wake Technical Community College
  • Sara Royster, Agency HR Consultant III/Critical Needs Analyst and Recruitment Supervisor, NC Department of Public Safety
  • Kristin Siemek, State Talent Acquisition Manager, NC Office of State Human Resources

Identifying Expertise at Colleges and Universities

This Monthly Connect featured external affairs and government relations staff from Duke University, NC A&T, and UNC-Greensboro. Speakers shared insights about the role of external affairs offices, the resources they offer, and the many ways they can be of service to government partners, including to help find the best person on their campuses for research partnerships, collaboration on grant opportunities, student projects, and more. (Password: Monthlyconnect1)

  • Andrew Cagle, Director of State and External Affairs, UNC-Greensboro
  • Doug Heron, Associate Vice President for Government Relations, Duke University
  • Ray Trapp, Director of External Affairs, NC A&T State University

Click here for a summary of this Monthly Connect.

Developing and Sustaining Government-Research Partnerships

This Monthly Connect featured representatives from NC State University and RTI International who have helped develop and/or participated in a wide range of partnerships with state government and research institutions. They shared strategies for developing and sustaining successful partnerships and addressed potential challenges.

  • Phillip Graham, Senior Director, Center on Social Determinants, Risk Behaviors, and Prevention Science, RTI International
  • Dennis Kekas, Associate Vice Chancellor of Partnerships and Economic Development, NC State

Philanthropy 101

This Monthly Connect featured representatives from three North Carolina philanthropic organizations. Speakers discussed best practices for engaging with philanthropic partners, learning about new funding opportunities, writing strong funding applications, and the proposal review and approval processes. 

  • Ret Boney, Executive Director, NC Network of Grantmakers
  • Gladys Hairston, Program Officer, John Rex Endowment
  • Joy Vermillion Heinsohn, Assistant Director, Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation

State Agency Research Efforts

This Monthly Connect featured the NC Department of Transportation Research & Development Office. Speakers included information about organizing and communicating research and other partnership opportunities, components of the NCDOT research program and examples of past projects, and strategies for starting a new research program. 

  • Curtis Bradley, Research Implementation Manager, NC Department of Transportation
  • Neil Mastin, Research and Development Manager, NC Department of Transportation