NC Office of Strategic Partnerships

The North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships (OSP) develops, launches, and enhances partnerships between state government and North Carolina’s research and philanthropic sectors. This includes elevating state government's internal capacity to use and generate evidence in its policy and programmatic functions.

We do this in part by building and enhancing collaborative networks of public officials, research partners, and partners from philanthropy and the nonprofit sector broadly. We prioritize partnerships that are scalable, sustainable, and develop public, open-source resources.

The North Carolina Office of Strategic Partnerships is housed in the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management, which includes data-driven and evidence-based decision making among its priorities.

Click here for an overview of OSP. 

“The NC Department of Transportation’s Office of Research and Development is involved with numerous aspects of OSP’s work. In addition to representation on the Advisory Group, an early Monthly Connect session featured our agency research unit and we hosted a workshop on how to develop and pursue research ideas for a group of state agency officials. We look forward to continued collaboration and learning as part of these important efforts to increase internal-to-government research capacity and bolster engagement with non-governmental partners.”

Curtis Bradley, Research Implementation Manager
Office of Research and Development, NC Department of Transportation

 “The ncIMPACT Initiative and others from UNC-CH have been working closely with the Strategic Partnerships initiative, and we are thrilled with the high levels of interest from faculty, staff, and students on campus. Our enhanced communication and partnership infrastructure with the state already has led to new research partnerships between faculty and state agencies and to exciting student capstone project possibilities." 


Anita Brown-Graham, Director of ncIMPACT
UNC School of Government